Yoga therapy is really just taking yoga postures one step further by closely paying attention to what the body is experiencing as it moves. We are emotional beings whether we like it or not and the emotions we feel get stuck in our bodies, in the muscles, in the bones and joints.
If you have a fever blister you are only all too aware that it came while you were immersed in a a very stressful situation – be it personal or work-oriented. This is a clear indication of how an emotional state has the capacity to manifest in the physical body.
Essential oils, doTERRA, and breathwork are really valuable in this process of release as well as the capacity to voice that which comes up. Ourselves and our bodies have been through much trauma and abuse through what we have inflicted on ourselves, what others have inflicted on us and what COVID-19 has inflicted on all of us in one way or another.
- A lowering of blood pressure due to better circulation and awareness of the breath which increases oxygenation of the body.
- An increase in flexibility of both body and mind.
- A reconnection to the body, understanding where the discomfort is and why it arrived in the first place.
- Addressing the discomfort in order to prevent the body from moving into a space of disease.
- A reconnection to the earth and understanding what it is to have a stable base.
- To develop strength from the inside out to better deal with the trials and tribulations life presents to us.
- The ability to release stress and tension from the body.
- To learn what it means to be in the moment and stand a little closer to your self.
- To breathe deeply and luxuriously, to take in and let go.